Are you tired of your screen being covered by fire? Are you struggling battling the Ender Dragon? Or do you just want to make your life easier? Enable one of our newest features, Pack Tweaks, to improve your Badlion experience.
Enabling the Pack Tweaks mod
To enable this mod, you need to go to the mods menu, search for "Pack Tweaks," and toggle the switcher until its background becomes light blue.
For ease and quick accessibility, I suggest adding the mod to our “Favorites” Section. Simple click, drag and drop it in.
Using the Pack Tweaks mod & changing settings
Click on the mod to open its settings. You will see these settings:
1. Custom Fire - toggles custom fire textures. If enabled, you can use the fire settings mentioned below to customize the fire.
Fire Height - regulates the fire’s height.
Fire Opacity - regulates the fire’s opacity.
2. Transparent UI - toggles the transparency in in-game menus such as chests and inventory.
3. Hide Pumpkin Overlay - if enabled, it removed the overlay when wearing a pumpkin on your head.
4. Visible Tripwires - highlights tripwires. You can also change their color by using the tripwire setting mentioned below.
5. Fishing Line Color - changes fishing line color.
Fishing Line Width - changes the thickness of the fishing line. The maximum possible width is 5px, minimum - 1px.
6. Tripwire color - changes tripwire color.
7. Water opacity - allows you to customize water opacity. We replaced the "Clear Water" mod with this option.
Custom water fog - toggles water fog.
Water fog - if the "Custom water fog" option is enabled, you can use this option to change the water fog.
8. Bigger items - increase the size of dropped items, making it easier for you to see them on the ground.
9. Custom skies - loads in custom skies from texture packs. This open gets overwritten by Optifine.
10. Biome Blending - if enabled, it improves Vanilla Minecraft biome blending. It blends the grass and foliage colors between different biomes so you don't get a sharp transition between biomes.
11. Add Item Scale - this option allows you to change the size of Minecraft items. All you need to do is click the button, add the item and adjust its settings.
12. XP Orb color - changes the color of XP orbs. By default, the color of XP orbs is green.
13. Ore Overlays - it adds an extra outline for all ores which makes ore blocks stand out from other blocks. The outline has the same color as the ore, for example, Redstone ores have a red outline, Lapis ores have a blue outline, etc.
Before | “Bigger UHC Items” Disabled
After | “Bigger UHC Items” Enabled
Before | “Transparent Pumpkin Overlay” Disabled
After | “Transparent Pumpkin Overlay” Enabled
Before | “Custom Fire” Defaults
After | “Custom Fire” Fire Height: 2.3 Opacity: 0.3