If you have landed on this page, you are likely facing issues logging in to the Badlion Client using your Microsoft account at the moment. We have noticed that this problem usually occurs when you have a Microsoft account that is not part of a family plan and the account holder is under 18 years of age.
Resolving this issue
There are currently two solutions:
1. Log in to the Badlion Client with an adult Microsoft account. An adult Microsoft account is deemed as one where you are the age of 18 or older (e.g. your birthdate in the account settings puts you at the age of 18 or older).
2. Add your Microsoft account to a Family Plan under one of your parents. You can read more about Microsoft family plans and how they work with your parents here: https://account.microsoft.com/family/. If you have issues with this, check this tutorial: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/account-billing/add-people-to-your-family-group-4a07b974-8103-16ad-6ea2-46549ca19e03.
What to do if the same issue persists
If you cannot add your Microsoft account to a Family Plan or log in after adding your Microsoft account to a Family Plan, please contact Microsoft Support so they can investigate this problem further. Sadly, this is not something we can control or fix from our end, as it is a change implemented by Microsoft.