FOV Changer is a mod that changes your FOV depending on specific situations.
How do I enable FOV Changer Mod
To enable FOV Changer Mod press the key you've set to open the mods menu (default is RSHIFT) on your keyboard and search for FOV Changer, then switch the button to enable it.
Mod Options
- FOV Changer: this option changes how the transition between the FOV will be for each situation listed below, you can choose among SMOOTH, VANILLA, or OLD.
- Default FOV: this option is synced with your Minecraft Default FOV, and is the FOV that will be applied while none of the situations of the other options will be occurring.
- Sprinting FOV: this option changes your FOV to the defined value while sprinting.
- Slowness FOV: this option changes your FOV to the defined value when you have the Slowness Effect.
- Flying FOV: this option changes your FOV to the defined value while flying.
- Dynamic Sprint: this option when disabled, disables the FOV change while sprinting.
- Dynamic Status Effect: this option when disabled, disables the FOV change when you have Slowness Effect.
- Dynamic Bow FOV: this option when disabled, disables the FOV change when using a bow.
By clicking the reload icon in any of the options it will reset the value to the default proposed by Badlion.