PotionStatus Mod
The PotionStatus mod is a simple mod that will display your current potion effects on your GUI (Graphical user interface).
How to enable the PotionStatus mod?
- Press ESC and click on "Mods".
- Search for "PotionStatus".
- Enable the mod and click on it to open the settings.
- Upon opening the settings, you will be able to switch between the "Fancy" and the "Simple" style of the mod.
- Right below these options, you will find the General Settings. Here you can change the display Mode, enable/disable the "Text Shadow", the "Formatted Duration", as well as the "Upper-Case Potion Names".
- These two modes are currently available:
Vanilla: | Minimal: |
- Below the General Settings, you can find the Color Settings. These allow you to adjust the color for the "Time Text", the "Circle Remaining Outline", as well as the "Circle Background".
- We offer even more customization! Simply open the Advanced Settings menu, and you will be able to adjust the PotionStatus Mod even further.
- You can adjust when and if the potion effect should start blinking at the top of these settings.
- You can also enable/disable "Timers In Inventory" and the built-in Badlion Font.
- You can change the Timer and the Icon visibility as well.
- In addition to that, you can also hide the entire mod in F3.
- Do you want to adjust the different potion effects individually? Scroll down to the bottom and press the cogwheel of the effect that you would like to adjust.
- This allows you to change the Potion Display Name, the Potion Order, the Potion Name Color, as well as the Potion Timer Color of a specific potion effect.