The Clock mod is a simplistic module that displays the current local time.
Enabling the mod
- Press ESC to open the ESC menu, then click on Mods.
- Search for Clock, then enable the Clock Mod and click on it to open its settings.
- The 24 hour option allows you to display the clock in the 24hour format.
- Brackets when enabled allow you to customize the colors of the bracket surrounding the time.
- Text Shadow adds a shadow around the time.
- Border Width allows you to customize the border around the time.
- Text Size customizes the size of the text in the box.
Color Settings:
- The background option allows you to customize the black box.
- The background border allows you to add a border and customize the color.
- The Text option allows the user to color the text within the box.
Advanced Settings
The Badlion Font option enables Badlion font on the text format.
The hide in F3 option hides the mod when F3 is pressed.