Item Info is a basic modification that briefly displays the enchants of an item when held.
Modification Use
Follow these steps to enable and start using the mod:
- Press Esc on the keyboard, and click Badlion Client Settings.
- Under “Mods”, type “Item Info” into the search bar and enable the first mod that is displayed.
- When you click on the modification, you will be able to adjust the following settings:
- Text Shadow
- Border Width
- Text Size
- Background
- Background Border
- Text Color
Text Shadow
- The Text shadow feature outlines the text with a faint shadow.
Border Width
- Border width adjusts the width of a border shown around the displayed enchant. Please note, the “Background Border” option must be enabled for this setting to do anything.
Text Size
- Text size changes the size of the text displaying the enchants.
- Using the background settings, you can change the color, alpha (how transparent the background appears), or disable to background entirely. To enable a background for the enchantment display, simply click the check box next to “Background”. You can then click on the grey box to change the color. Use the sliders provided to select a color/mode that you would like to use.
Background Border
- The background border option allows you to add and change the color of a border outlining the background. To enable it, simply click the check box next to “Background Border”. You can then click on the white box to change the color. Use the sliders provided to select a color/mode that you would like.
Text Color
- The text color setting allows the user to change the color of the text that is displayed. You can choose a color by clicking on the white box. Use the sliders provided to select a color/mode that you would like.
Advanced Settings
- When you click on the advanced settings option, you will be able to adjust the following settings:
- Badlion Font
- Hide in F3
Badlion Font
- Using this feature allows you to apply Badlion font to any text displayed by the mod.
With Badlion Font:
Without Badlion Font:
Hide in F3
- Enabling this setting will hide the mod when you press F3.