What is the Hitboxes mod?
It is a Badlion Client mod that allows you to customize Vanilla Minecraft hitboxes, which you cannot do in Vanilla Minecraft.
What does it look like?
Enabling the mod
Do the following to enable the mod:
- Press the ESC key on your keyboard and click the "Mods" button.
- Search for "Hitboxes".
- Enable the mod by clicking on the toggle button, and then click on the mod icon to open its settings.
Hitboxes Mod Settings
Once you click on the mod, you will see these settings:
You can customize hitboxes (enable/disable, change color and size) for these items/entities:
- Projectiles
- Arrows
- Players
- Passive Mobs (sheep, cow, chicken, etc. If you need a full list, click here).
- Monsters
- Fireballs
- Snowballs
- Wither skulls
- Dropped items
- Fireworks
- XP Orbs.