Uninstalling the Badlion Anti-Cheat (BAC)
If you still have the BadlionAnticheat.sys file on your computer but cannot uninstall it because the BAC tab has been removed from the launcher for reasons explained in this article, you must do the following:
1. Open CMD as administrator
2. Type sc delete BadlionAnticheat and press enter)
3. Click restart in Windows menu (NOT shutdown and back on, choose restart)
4. Now you should be able to delete BadlionAnticheat.sys.
5. Once you have deleted it, boot up Windows in normal mode.
If this does not help, do the following:
1. Open CMD as administrator
2. Type sc config BadlionAnticheat start= disabled
3. Press ENTER
4. Type sc delete BadlionAnticheat
5. Press ENTER
6. Restart your PC
7. You should be able to delete BadlionAnticheat.sys now
Troubleshooting uninstallation issues
If you experience any issues uninstalling the anti-cheat, please contact our customer support team via https://support.badlion.net/hc/en-us/requests/new. They will help you.